Premium Products
  Process Gas Solutions
  Compressed Gases
  Industrial Products
  Safety & Environment



       TIG offers customers a wide range of products with full range of supply options. We provide not only industrial and special gases, but also industrial products and many special services. For gas products, TIG can deliver gas to customers in the most efficient way by providing many supply modes. Therefore, the most appropriate supply option will depend upon customers' process requirements including volume, pressure, purity, and condition of gas, as well as demand pattern and location. These offer a highest benefit to customers when requirements change that TIG will always have practical and efficient solutions to your gas supply and application requirements.

       To be easy to understand, TIG provides gas in 4 modes of supply, which are pipeline, on-site, bulk gas, and compressed gas supply modes. For pipeline, on-site, and bulk gas supply options, we provide gas in form of "Process Gas Solutions" upon requested. For compressed gas supply mode, we provide a wide range of "Industrial and Special gases" Moreover, TIG also provide safety and Welding with following 5 categories:
  • Industrial Gases
  • Welding Machine
  • Welding Consumables
  • Gas Equipment
  • Safety & Environmental Equipment
These equipment products are included in "Industrial Product". TIG hopes that our all premium products will suit your needs. Please see more details in each product type.